Join Blacksmiths’ Guild of the Potomac for our Annual Spring Fling Conference at the Frederick County Fairgrounds, Clearbrook VA . Demonstrators are Phillip Heath and Ken Schwartz from Colonial Williamsburg. Richard Sullivan from the Williamsburg Gun Shop will also be demonstrating the completion of a Brown Bessie rifle. Price $50 until March 15th, then goes up to $65.
There will be demonstrations (Phil Heath, Ken Schwarz and Richard Sullivan (gun smith)), open forge, tailgating, vendors, iron-in-the-hat raffles and more.
Mail completed registration forms with a check payable to “The Blacksmiths’ Guild of the Potomac, Inc.” to:
Keith Kuck, 5310 Nutting Drive Springfield, VA 22151-1918
If you want to pay via Zelle, email your form to and include a note that you have paid via Zelle. You can pay via Zelle through your bank. Search for in Zelle and send you payment.
This year’s contest is a business card holder forged in the previous year, signed and dated by the artist. Ferrous and Non-Ferrous forging accepted. The piece can be mixed media with steel primary. All entries must be delivered in-person at Spring Fling. Judging will be at 5:00 PM, Saturday. The decision of the judges is final. You must be present to win.
THE PRIZE: refund of winner’s registration and option to auction the piece, 50% of the top bid to go to the Guild, 50% to the winner.
BGOP Spring Fling April 12-13, 2025 – The Blacksmiths' Guild of the Potomac